New Features
The new features and enhancements of GEOTEC Office 14.2 are the result of feedback from users of different engineering schools worldwide over the past years.
The recent version of GEOTEC Office includes improved finite element meshing functionality that allows users to easily generate the finite element mesh based on reference points, lines, polygons, corners, and more, which can be imported from DXF files. This functionality has also been developed to define element groups, beams and girders, piles, node restraints (supports/boundary conditions), additional settlements, and loads data based on these references.
Additionally, users can now define or edit girder by coordinates instead of nodes. These features save time, minimize errors, and ensure accurate and consistent results and outputs. Other enhancements in the recent version include improved performance, new tools and features, and improved user interfaces, making the software more powerful and effective for designers.
GEOTEC Office 14.2 is now compacted into three programs: ELPLA, Bohr and GEO Tools. GEO Tools has 22 sub-programs that allow users to investigate various problems in Geotechnical Engineering. New books are available to describe the essential equations used in it. Each book includes many illustrated examples with data files.