Analysis of Shallow Foundations
10- Analysis of a beam foundation
11- Modified Cam-Clay Model

- 1- Stresses in soil
- 2- Strain in soil
- 3- Displacements in soil
- 4- Consolidation settlement
- 5- Degree of consolidation
- 6- Time-settlement curve
- 7- Displacement of rigid raft
- 8- Consolidation of rigid raft
- 9- Settlement of footing groups
- 10- Analysis of a beam foundation
- 11- Modified Cam-Clay Model

It is possible to use the same data for analyzing beam foundations by five different conventional and refined calculation methods based on the three standard subsoil models using GEO Tools program. The subsoil models for analyzing beam foundations (standard models) available in GEO Tools are:
a) Simple assumption model
b) Winkler's model
c) Continuum model
The simple assumption model does not consider the interaction between the beam foundation and soil. The model assumes a linear distribution of contact pressures beneath the foundation. Winkler's model is the oldest and simplest one. That considers the interaction between the beam foundation and the soil. The model represents the soil as elastic springs. The continuum model is a complicated one. Also, this model considers the interaction between the beam foundation and soil. It represents the soil as a layered continuum medium.
The three standard soil models are described through five different numerical calculation methods. The methods graduate from the simplest to the more complicated one covering the analysis of the most common beam foundation problems.
According to the three standard soil models (simple assumption model - Winkler's model - Continuum model), five numerical calculation methods are considered to analyze the beam foundation as follows:
1- Linear Contact Pressure
(Simple assumption model)
2- Elastic Beam Foundation using Modulus of Subgrade Reaction by Kany/ El Gendy (1995) (Winkler's model)
3- Elastic Beam Foundation using Modulus of Compressibility by Kany (1974)
(Continuum model)
4- Rigid Beam Foundation using Modulus of Compressibility by Kany (1972)
(Continuum model)
5- Flexible Beam Foundation using Modulus of Compressibility
(Continuum model)
It is also possible to consider irregular soil layers and the thickness of the base beam that varies in each element. Furthermore, the influence of temperature changes, the additional settlement on the beam foundation, and the concrete design can be considered.
From the "Analysis of a beam foundation" command, a new form will appear with different tabs. The first tab in this form is the "Calculation Method" tab, Figure 28. You can choose the soil model. Also, you have two options to determine the modulus of the subgrade reaction, which could be calculated from soil layers or defied by the user. If you choose to calculate the modulus of the subgrade reaction from soil layers, you can define the subsoil model as a layered or half-space model. In addition, determining limit depth, the influence of temperature change on the settlements, the influence of additional settlements on the raft, and concrete design options could be selected.