Our recent product GEOTEC Office 10 is complete and stable enough to become prereleased version. This release is available for customer evaluation and can be used in project build. There could still be changes to fix defects between this and the final release.   Now you can download the GEOTEC Office 10 Professional from



Major changes in GEOTEC Office 10:


- GEOTEC Office 10 is completely changed to be more interactive /user friendly. The new Tabs allow combining all sub-prorams under one screen making it easier and faster when comes to defining problems.


- GEOTEC Office 10 is fully integrated with MS Office. Now, reporting data in Word and Excel is much easier, more professional, and less efforts.


- GEOTEC Office 10 is build using Windows 7 system. It runs faster under Windows 7 and above.  


Quick ELPLA 10


- QuickELPLA, a new program, gives you the powerfull of ELPLA modeling without going into the detail of the FE building and editing. Quick ELPLA has built-in tools that allow to generate ELPLA complex FE mesh for know case studies/ problems.


- With QuickELPLA, users do not have to worry about how to define and input the FE.

New GEOTEC Office interface



About GEOTEC Software

GEOTEC Software is providing universities and consulting companies with the right tools for the last 25+ years. We also assist our clients in various geostructural projects. From basic to advanced problems, GEOTEC Software can provide you with the right technical assistant.


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