Example 22: Settlement calculation under flexible foundation of an ore heap


Description of the problem

In many cases, it is required to determine the settlement under an embankment, a metal plate foundation of a liquid tank, loads on small isolated plates or a raft of thin thickness. In these cases, the foundation will be assumed as flexible foundation.

The Figure shows an ore heap on thin concrete pavement slabs. The pavement slabs are connected with each other by movable joints. Consequently, the pavement slabs are considered as completely flexible foundation. The unit weight of the ore material is γ = 30 [kN/m3].

The foundation base under the ore heap has the dimension of 13×13 [m2], while the top area of the ore heap has the dimensions of 9×9 [m2]. The height of the ore heap is 4.0 [m] (Figure a).

It is required to determine the expected settlement due to the ore heap.


 Example 22: Settlement calculation under flexible foundation of an ore heap

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